Monday, January 28, 2008


If rainbows are supposed to make you smile then why are they shaped like frowns?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Top 7 of 2007

Top 7 albums for 2007


7. Any year Bad Religion releases an album you have to automatically reserve a spot somewhere on the best-of lists. The only reason it is this far down is because you just come to expect that whatever they do to will be great and it just doesn't surprise you like some of the other albums this year did. This album was pure classic Bad Religion: Fast, melodic, and smart. I hope there are still many more years to come of awesome albums from Bad Religion.

6. This was one of the most highly-anticipated releases on my list this year. Every time Thrice would post another clip on their website I got more and more anxious for the release. I knew it was going to be different but I knew it would be brilliant. "Water" is my favorite because of one track: Night Diving. I was never a big fan of instrumental tracks but that all changed with that song. It is absolutely amazing. It sucks you in and you literally feel lost in a vast ocean and hope you will never be found.

5. I almost forgot this one came out in 2007 with February being so long ago, but after all those months it still deserves a spot on the list. I had heard to most of the songs long before this release and saw him perform them live a couple times but it was good to finally see them all together on one album. Dustin is a brilliant song writer and I have a feeling that there will be a lot of similarities to these songs and the ones on the upcoming "Earth" disk on the second half of Thrice's "Alchemy Index", which is a great thing.

4. This one may seem out of place but in my opinion, Bruce Springsteen is just as punk as anyone else. I've been a casual fan of the Boss for awhile and am familiar with his quote unquote greatest hits. But after listening to this album Bruce and the entire E-street band really cemented themselves in my mind as absolute legends. This made me go back and re-listen to almost every Springsteen album and really appreciate the genius of his work. It is great to hear the Boss and the E-street band doing what they do best. This album IS Rock n' Roll period.

3. Still trying to catch my breath after this one. Album after album you find it hard to believe that A Wilhelm Scream could ever outdo themselves again, and then they do. They have always played fast, hard, technical, and flawless so they thought with this album why not turn it up notch and play faster, harded, more technical and even more flawless. And even though their albums are insanely great they still pale in comparison to seeing them live. By far the greatest performance I ever seen every time I go.

2. In a year with so many releases by great bands that I already knew were going to make great albums, one newcomer came along and blew them all away. "Sink or Swim" is one the greatest albums in years and one you can listen to over and over again. It has stayed longer in my CD player for back to back listens more than any other album. Awesome mix of punk, folk and rock with great lyrics and perfect guitars. If the Boss and the E-street band and been born in my generation and recorded an album it would be this one right here.

1. I had quite a debate with myself over the top spot, especially with how great the #2 album on this list is, but in the end I knew it had to belong to The Weakerthans. This long-awaited release was an instant classic the first time I heard it. A great mix of soft lullabies, rockin' sing-a-longs, and everything in between. It also helped that I got to see them play live finally after so many years. They are absolute top-notch performers and this album will take its turn in my CD player for years and years to come.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

so what do I chew on now?

I always have delusions of grandeur thinking that I will actually use a blog, or update my website, or other things of that nature, but the truth is I'm lazy.